SourcePedia (Sourcing Reference): Webinar Tuesday July 1st

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Announcing a new Sourcing Webinar:

SourcePedia (Sourcing Reference): Tuesday July 1st

Which search engines index the Internet globally? Where could I find the list of current Boolean operators for sourcing in a one-page document? What are the differences between the Google and the Bing search syntax? Where can I look up the corporate email formats for a given company? Which email collection and verification tools are out there? Where do I find a good list of diversity-related associations? What are the sites that list certified and licensed professionals? How do I look up a company’s competitors? What are the names of all the locations that LinkedIn uses in each country (e.g. Australia or Canada)? What is the up-to-date tool to look up the hidden names?…

This 90-minute webinar is packed with up-to-date references, resources, and tip sheets, that anyone would find to be handy in the practice of searching for target professionals online. It will answer all the questions above and many more.The materials are all yours to keep and to enjoy in daily sourcing practice. Besides, one month of support is provided to help you to master the reference materials further.Who should attend: if you search for professionals online as part of your job, this webinar is for you!Seating is limited; register early.

Date: Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Time: 9 AM PDT / 12 PM EDT / 5 PM London
Duration: 90 minutes

Included: The slides for the webinar, a complete recording of the webinar, and one month of support

Register at

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