How-To: A Google-Plus Custom Search Engine

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

Google’s Custom Search Engines (CSE) provide us with a way to access Google’s search index in a focused manner. At the core of the tool is X-Raying; any CSE starts with the identification of the site(s) we would like to narrow our search to, providing a way to hide the Boolean operator site: from the end user. The CSE creation …

Two Custom Search Engines: Document Finders


Do you have the time to search for each type of document and on every document storage site? Here are two Custom Search Engines to help with that: The first search engine searches for documents of several most popular formats: PDF, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Text. I’ll be adding more later. Those who are fluent in Boolean search know that …

Custom Search Engine: Hidden Profiles


Here’s a Custom Search Engine I have created, “Hidden Profiles”. This search engine has become popular due to appearing up high for a Google search for “hidden profiles.” The Custom Search Engine looks for profiles across many different sites and has refinements for several social networks. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Another Custom Search …

Advanced Custom Search Engine: “Online Lead Generator”


Online Lead Generator This custom search engine will look for Excel files with lists of people, including their names, titles, companies, and contact information. To find lists that are relevant to your business, you can use Boolean strings with target companies’ names ( OR or target titles (Director OR “Vice President”) . You can also try generic keywords that point to lists, such …

Custom Search Engine: “Document Finder” #Sourcecon


The #sourcecon 1st challenge is out. It’s time to figure out Google Custom Search Engines! Here is a custom search engine I have just created: Document Finder (also posted on the Boolean Ning network) It has refinements for eight kinds of files: Word, PDF, Text, PPT, and more. Check it out! And here’s another new little search engine, perhaps useless …

Seven Custom Search Engines


Google Custom Search Engines let us hide “unreadable” operators and reuse them. Search engines on Recruiting Blogs, CVFox, Big5Hire, Referyes are all custom search engines or are based on this technology. Custom engines have their tricky side but it’s not too hard to create a basic one. On your control panel, use the sections “sites” and “refinements” to start with, …

Emailing a Google Custom Search Engine


Did you know you can email a custom search engine to a colleague? Google provides us with a piece of HTML source code to include on a site, which you can also just save as an HTML file. You can then email it to someone as an attachment. If you have a team of sourcers, it’s a nice way to share …

Fascinating: Custom Headline Search


I must admit that until I started using the search technique that I am about to describe, I did not realize that a significant number of LinkedIn members customize their Headlines. I had expected most members to stay with the default Headline, which is <Job Title> at <Company>. Not true. It won’t be easy to estimate the percentage of customized …

AI Can Search But Not Source: More On AI-Search-Engine Integration


At the beginning of this AI wave, services popped up that offered search engines and AI “integration,” like this: There is no integration here other than combining results on the same screen. However, the latest developments in search-the-web-plus-AI tools are promising. It was welcome news that Bing is back with ChatGPT and the GPT-4 data has been updated to 2023. …

Let’s Search on Github Update


    We did not anticipate such a huge response to the Let’s Seach on Github Google Sheets table. Two things emerged: The use was so (unexpectedly) high – we got tens of thousands of calls in the logs – that some people did not get the data due to timeouts. Many users could not figure it out. We did …