Twitter Techniques webinar


Join us for a Webinar on June 10 on

Twitter Techniques for Sourcing, Recruiting and Searching for Sales Leads.

Participants are expected to have some experience with Twitter and some understanding of Boolean searches. The focus is on practical methods to find and recruit candidates and productivity.          
Here’s the webinar outline.            
* Differences between Twitter and other Social Networks        
* Ways to connect with potential candidates            
* Searching for candidates on Twitter          
* Searching for candidates elsewhere and locating them on Twitter              
  * “Secret trick”             
  * X-raying               
* Creating ID lists based on keyword search            
* Following multiple people            
* Using multiple accounts              
* Filtering tweets for interesting info        
Participants will be able to ask questions either at the end, or by email after the webinar.           
Length: 50 min. Price: $49             
Title:  Sourcing and Recruiting Techniques for Twitter
Date:    Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Time:  10:00 AM – 10:50 AM PDT      
Space is limited.              
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:         

Training DVDs with recodings of the Twitter webinar and the Boolean Strings webinars are available here.