Webinar: How to Customize the Top 25 Boolean Strings


Join us for a Webinar on March 9
[The webinar is over. Please check the Downloads section for available training
materials, or let me know if you’d want to arrange training on related topics.]

Jump-start your sourcing capabilities and reach.Lists of Boolean strings and templates can help recruiters, sourcers, and hiring managers who know how to customize them for their own use. In this webinar we will discuss how to expand your “vocabulary”, improve your “grammar”, and tame the search strings so that they bring real results in real time.To take advantage of the material participants should be familiar with the basic Boolean search.

The webinar will cover:

Best Practices for Boolean Search

* Principles of working with string templates
* Discovering and using your industry terminology
* Excluding false positives
* Ways to modify and strengthen strings
* Specifics and differences of the Boolean syntax between search engines
* Boolean for LinkedIn and Twitter

Strings for finding:

* Resumes and CVs
* Profiles and bios
* Lists of candidates
* Email patterns
* Forums, blogs, and articles
* Hidden directories

Interactive demos and Q&A

* Based on the list of the “top 25 strings” we will customize them for sample sourcing tasks and participants’ needs

Date: Wednesday 9th
Time: 10 am PST/ 1 PM EST
Length: 90 minutes
Price: $79 (please wait 10 seconds after you register; you will be redirected to a payment page)
Includes the slides and one month of Q&A over email.

Cannot make the time? No problem. We will provide a recording that you can download.