Find Everything Using Chrome

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I find it a bit annoying when Google search decides to omit similar results – which it does most of the time! To control this behavior, we need to go to the last page with the results and click the link “repeat the search with the omitted results included”. There’s a shortcut to doing this, which is adding &filter=0 to your search URL that is still a distraction. There’s however an even nicer way to get there.

In Chrome, go to Options/Basic/Search Engines. Select “add a new search engine”. Put anything for its name, a short word like “all” in the second column and something like


in the third column.

From now on, if you type the word “all” as the first word, just before you type in your Boolean search string into the Chrome address bar, your search will display all results right away.

Taking this further, this technique allows us to create shortcuts to control any Google and Bing search options that previously couldn’t be expressed within the search strings and had to be set up in the “options” or in the “preferences”. Some examples for Google include date ranges, Image, Blog, Patent, and Google-plus searches.

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