Thanks to Sourcing Community Contributors


For my US-based colleagues, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Our Boolean Strings – The Internet Sourcing Community on the Ning Network has grown to 5,300+ members  and the LinkedIn “Boolean” Group has grown to 17,600+ members, freely sharing sourcing knowledge and tips with each other and providing questions and answers for each other, as well as creating whole libraries with sample searches. This is by far the largest Sourcer’s online community world-wide. Check out the group demographics if you are curious.

I’d like to say thank you to several people who have helped to create the content and keep the community alive and well and to point to some additional sourcing-related blogs and groups some of them run that have excellent content.

Shane Bowen has been actively involved in co-moderating the LinkedIn group and providing content and answers that are well thought-through and often make me check out new things and approaches and refresh my “stale” knowledge on those aspects of search syntax and social media sites’ behavior that I haven’t accessed for a while. Shane is passionate about Sourcing. If you haven’t checked out the new Shane‘s and Jennifer‘s new blog Sourcing Hacks, do so now! You may want to put some bookmarks on pages with tools like the one to view full LinkedIn Profiles.


 David Galley runs bi-weekly Sourcing Chats that regularly get an active crowd of 25 to 65 professionals interested in people sourcing. David and other experts who join provide fantastic tips on tools and things new and less explored in the Internet research jungle. David makes sure that everyone who types in a question gets attention. If you haven’t attended, this is a must.


We often have serious contributors to online content and fun attend the chats, such as my friend @animal.

(If you are in an inconvenient time zone for the chat, check out the chat log; it stays up for about one day. Also feel free to launch your own chat; just post it as an event and invite others.)

While I am self-taught on most things (sourcing and otherwise), David is one of the few people who often teaches me by taking a discussed solution a few steps deeper and carefully investigating possible approaches. David has been big help in co-running Q&A sourcing sessions at the Certification Program where he’s a team member. I am looking forward to close collaboration with David in the near and distant future.

The group and the network population has long known Gary Cozin who has been patiently helping “beginners” with creating Boolean strings since the group has started.  Thanks, Gary!

Thanks to regular contributors:

Balazs Paroczay; I recommend checking out the blog Balazs and His Magic Sourcing World and especially the presentation Cracking Open Facebook.

Martin Lee; check out Martin‘s group on LinkedIn Cool (free) tools for recruiting

Sarang Brahme who is a recognized sourcing leader and a passionate enthusiast  of sourcing knowledge promotion and education in India. Check out his blog Magic Sourcing. I look forward to seeing Sarang again as a fellow presenter at the upcoming SourceCon

Erin Page who has also launched a new blog Boolean Journal

Geraldine Bruce who is a big sourcing knowledge and corporate sourcing strategy supporter in South Africa. I suggest following Geraldine on twitter at @gerrybruce

Gordon Lokenberg recently made a swift appearance winning the first prize in the International Contest among a large crowd of strong competitors and whose contribution we would welcome. Here’s Gordon’s blog. We have found that we think alike in many ways during our recent chat.

Of course there’s many more people to whom I’d like to thank that I would like to include and will do so in subsequent posts.

If we are not connected on social networks, I am glad to connect and stay in touch. You can find me on LinkedInon Twitter,  and on Google-Plus.

<to be continued>