Join us for a Webinar on May 8:
Sourcing with NO Boolean
In the context of searching for professional backgrounds “Boolean” usually means Google’s language with the use of advanced search operators.
In my teaching experience, the “Boolean” seems to be a cause for frustration and a blocking factor, generating “the wrong” search results and preventing some of our colleagues from conquering extra territories on the Internet.
For those who dislike search operators I have some good news to share. The Internet has SO much information now, that a good (and useful) chunk of it can be uncovered without writing “Boolean” expressions.
Who should attend
Recruiters (including junior Recruiters and old-school Recruiters), Sourcers (including junior Sourcers and Phone Sourcers), Recruitment Managers who want to posses cool hands-on sourcing techniques, and all those who search for professionals and dislike writing elaborate, unreadable, and long Boolean Strings.
As an outcome of this webinar you will learn how to:
• locate and venture out to previously unexplored sites
• find additional, “hidden”, professionals with the target background
• find extra information about professionals
– all this by using straightforward searches in English, as opposed to Boolean. You’ll also get a sense of the guesswork Google does, trying to show us the search results it thinks we may want to see, which happens more frequently as the time goes, and learn some simple ways to keep control of the search.
You will be able to put these new skills to work the minute the webinar ends. You will not need to keep tip sheets for these types of searches.
- Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013
- Time: 9 AM PDT/noon EDT
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Included: the slides, a video-recording, and one month of support
Can’t make the date and time? No problem. The video-recording, the slides, and support will be provided for all who sign up. Register to attend or to receive the materials.