Another “back door” to LinkedIn has just been shut, breaking the “PYMK” (people you may know)-based link, breaking the bookmarklet shared on, a tool posted on Sourcing Hacks, and the hint in the “Hidden Names Discovery” post.
There’s a workaround.
Step 1. Save the profile to your contacts:
Step 2. Take a look at the newest person in your contacts.
Note that if you click on the name in the contacts you will see the full profile. The information hidden in the original view is shown.
That’s it! Let’s see how long this will last. 🙂
Interestingly, if you Google a phrase from a person’s profile, when the person is out of your network, the profile will show in full even in a logged-in view. (Try it.) But if the person you have found on Google is your 3rd level connection, it’s best to view his profile in an incognito window.