Easy Hidden Name Discovery Hack

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If in your search results you have encountered a profile that has as little as this information…



… the standard X-Raying LinkedIn is not going to be too helpful when trying to find the public profile:

“Hospital & Health Care Professional” “Phoenix, Arizona Area” site:linkedin.com/in OR site:linkedin.com/pub -dir  returns too many results!

There’s a simple way around the lack of keywords to use in X-Ray, that I am about to share. Using the tip below, you will quickly find the profile in question in 99.9% of the cases.

To start, take a look at the “People Also Viewed” section on the profile in question…


…then, start adding the names and taglines of the members that you see there. I.e. for our example, add to your X-ray:

James W. Cairns CEO at Bukacek Construction,
Mary Kali Hospital & Health Care Professional, (maybe more).

In this particular example, actually, just adding one of these “also viewed” names and taglines will do the job, leaving us with the correct result that has the full first-and-last name of the “hidden” person:

“Hospital & Health Care Professional” “Phoenix, Arizona Area” site:linkedin.com James W. Cairns  CEO at Bukacek Construction 

In some other cases you may need to use 2 or 3.

Then, the full name and the public profile is revealed.


P.S. Check out the upcoming webinar Intro to Sourcing that is filled with more easy-to-use sourcing hacks for your practice.


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