LinkedIn Job Search Flaw and a Fix

booleanstringsBoolean, LinkedIn

The LinkedIn job search has a serious flaw. Let me share what it is – and how to work around it.

When we are logged into LinkedIn and go to the job search at, we have access to many advanced filters:

Do you know what is missing here? The ability to search by the job title! All we can do is search by the keywords, that can be found in the title, but also anywhere in the job posts. It’s rather bizarre that the job title search filter is not there.

So here is how to work around the missing feature. Log out of LinkedIn and go back to the same link You will see a different search dialog:

As you scroll down, you will see that now the job title search filter is present!

Additionally, the logged-out dialog provides twice as many values to search from in each filter – ten, compared to five values in the logged-in dialog, which is another advantage.

So here is a summary.

Job Search on LinkedIn – Logged-In vs. Logged-Out

  • Both allow to search for:
    • Location
    • Company
    • Date Posted
    • Job Type
    • Job Function
    • Industry
    • Experience Level
  • Logged-in allows searching for jobs with fewer than ten applicants
  • Logged-out allows to search for job titles – missing in the logged-in!
  • Logged-out shows twice as many options for each search filter (10 vs. 5)

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