How (and Why) to Grow Your LinkedIn Network Overnight

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In 2006, Christian Mayaud came up with a genius idea of LIONs – LinkedIn Open Networks. There was no connection limit; you could see the exact numbers of connections on profiles and the 4th level connections. But then, as now, people outside of your network were “invisible,” shown in search as “LinkedIn Member” with no details – and you were invisible to them as well. Imagine a business gathering where you can only see people you know or people who know them – it does not make sense!

“LION” means that the person would not “IDK” – say “I don’t know you” to your invitation – which hurts your membership. LIONs have made the network much more connected.

It is everyone’s individual decision whether to add “LION” to your last name and commit to accepting all invites. (I am no longer one since my connections are almost at the maximum level of 30K).

But it makes sense to have at least 500-1,000 connections and include connections with LIONs (who are well connected themselves) for your visibility to others and being able to see more members, no matter what your profession is. It helps to do business and find employment.

The straightforward way is to invite LIONs. However, the number of connection requests you can send per week is now limited.

Here is how to connect with as many LIONs as you wish in one day. If you upload an email list (as long as 9K) to Contacts and invite from that upload, the number of invitations is unlimited. And all you need is a list of emails; names do not matter.

How do you get the email addresses? Many LIONs have them publicly visible. LinkedIn won’t search for “” to find emails, but Google will. A search like intitle:LION “” – plus any keywords you could vary to get more results – will produce lists fast. Go for “,” “,” etc., if you wish as well, or search for distinct company email domains like “,” “”. Use Julia’s Email Extractor, which can collect emails from every page you visit (set the option in the extension) to get a long list in no time. (See David’s video demonstrating the technique).

That’s it 😊

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: Your LinkedIn Profile SEOIrina Shamaevaon 10 October 2021 at 12:13 pm Everyone's Blog Posts - RecruitingBlogs - Remote Jobs UK

  2. Pingback: Your LinkedIn Profile SEO - RecruitingBlogs - Salesground

  3. This method no longer works :(. I got super excited and watched David’s youtube post, and seems like LinkedIn dropped the ball once again by limiting growth hacking capabilities on their site. There is no download button available to import a list of emails. Is there another workaround?

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