Speakers and Sourcers
- David Galley (US)
- Glenn Gutmacher (US)
- Aaron Lintz (US)
- Andre Bradshaw (US)
- Glen Cathey (US)
- Guillaume Alexandre (France)
- Victor Soroka (Ukraine)
- Balazs Paroczay (Hungary)
- Hung Lee (UK)
- Vanessa Raath (South Africa)
- Josef Kadlec (Czech Republic)
- Юлия Кузмане (Russia)
- Bas Westland (Netherlands)
- Marcel Van Der Meer (Netherlands)
Best sourcing conference by Phil Tusing – Sourcing Summit
Best newsletter by Hung Lee
Comments 1
Thx for your great work > I added new names to my inspiration list 🙂
n.b.: for people looking for our French sourcing expert > his last name is “ALEXANDRE” (typo)