Emails to LinkedIn URLs In Bulk: Five Major Options


Last week, a colleague messaged me:

“Hello Irina! how are you? I just love your GitHub Search tools! it’s awsome! such a gift for the community.

I wonder if you can help me with the easiest way to enrich github search results with LinkedIn profiles… LinkedIn URL’s. in bulk.”

If you only have a few addresses to check, the old Outlook online trick will do the job. But my friend had several hundred records.

So here are some approaches to mass-cross-referencing lists of emails against LinkedIn and getting lists of the matching profile URLs and other profile data.

  1. In LinkedIn Recruiter, you can upload 200 emails at a time and get the URLs back. (paid subscription; reliable matching)
  2. In SeekOut, you can upload a long list of emails and export the info, including the URLs. (paid subscription)
  3. Cleabit allows you to upload a list of emails for free and will show you the percentage identified and some demographics, but you will need to pay per record for individual contacts.
  4. In ContactOut, you can upload a list of emails and download the profiles. Each enrichment costs points. I do not have enough experience with this reverse look-up to say anything about its quality or completeness.
  5. Or, alternatively,

USE A HM-HACK; see below:

If you do not have access to LinkedIn Recruiter, here is a little-known way to still get yourself the ability to upload lists of emails and get the members’ basic info and URLs back, just like subscribers do. Find a friendly colleague, your first connection, who does subscribe to LinkedIn Recruiter, and ask them to make you a “Hiring Manager.” This will give you the full function of email list uploading without either side paying extra.

As a reminder, our fullest sourcing course for Recruiters is coming up. – JUNE 4-7 & 11-13 @ 8 AM TO 9 AM PACIFIC EACH DAY:

Seven-Day Sourcing Bootcamp, June 2024