Researching Corporate Email Formats


  If we know someone’s name, company, and email format(s) used at the company, chances are that we could construct that business email address. Here are some ways to figure out the email format(s) specific companies are using. 1. Collections of Formats Online collections of corporate email formats have been shared across our groups. I will list some of them …

Software Engineers in the Bay Area

This was the winning entry to a Sourcecon contest, submitted by my business partner Julia Tverskaya. Public link Simply search for keywords to discover resumes of Software Engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area: Example Use: Javascript Engineers

Working Around Captchas


When Google feels like our queries are too complex and suspects that they are sent by a robot, it throws a captcha  (a squiggly word with a box below it). This supposedly protects Google from being misused by non-humans, i.e. computer programs, that may find and scrape too much information too quickly. If you are a human presented with a …

File Types

This CSE looks for certain file types, such as Excel, Word, Text, Powerpoint, or PDF. It is helpful if you are searching specifically for lists or specifically for resumes. It does a general search for your keywords first, then you can use one of the refinements to see only the files of the given type. Public link

Document Finder

This CSE looks for documents that are stored in one of a dozen popular document storage sites, such as Slideshare. Public link. Example uses: Resumes of Software Engineers in San Francisco Attendee Lists Association Member Directory

Emails in Resumes

This CSE finds resumes with contact info and displays email addresses in the search results’ previews. Refinements include: resumes with phone numbers and with LinkedIn profile links included. Public link. Just enter your keywords: Example uses: Deloitte OR Accenture “marketing manager” MBA

LinkedIn – Countries

This CSE X-Rays LinkedIn public profiles; offers a dozen refinements by countries. Public link Enter your keywords to search: Example uses: Embedded engineer Certified accountant Accountants in the UK Geologists in Canada

How-To: A Google-Plus Custom Search Engine

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

Google’s Custom Search Engines (CSE) provide us with a way to access Google’s search index in a focused manner. At the core of the tool is X-Raying; any CSE starts with the identification of the site(s) we would like to narrow our search to, providing a way to hide the Boolean operator site: from the end user. The CSE creation …

How to Find Lists


At the LinkedIn webinar we discussed how to work with lists of professionals with contact information. If you upload a whole list into your Contacts, you can: search within the list on all of the LinkedIn data in these profiles and reliably keep track of people from the list… …since the professionals will be, in most cases, updating their profiles. …