A “Dream Software” Design Proposal


Disclaimer. This post is somewhat technical and doesn’t contain specific sourcing tips. It is relevant to my SourceCon Presentation, where I go over a specific kind of sourcing tools. Those tools are apparently gaining attention among recruiters. I am going to post detailed reviews of the tools – listed at the bottom of this post for your reference – here on the blog …

Google-Minus and 7 Tips on Controling Your Search


It seems that changes to online search happen so quickly now that the only permanent skill we need to have is the ability to be on top of the news. Google search is changing as we speak. Pretty much all of the available online “cheat-sheets” or guides to search are outdated. Even Google’s own help pages say  “Some of this …

Two Custom Search Engines: Document Finders


Do you have the time to search for each type of document and on every document storage site? Here are two Custom Search Engines to help with that: http://bit.ly/formatfinder https://bitly.com/documentfinder The first search engine http://bit.ly/formatfinder searches for documents of several most popular formats: PDF, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Text. I’ll be adding more later. Those who are fluent in Boolean search know that …

Looking Up a Name on #LinkedIn


Yesterday morning I got an email from one of my webinar attendees who is a Sales and Marketing Manager. “I search LinkedIn a lot for lead generation confirmation.”, he writes,  “I would like to select a name and search directly in LinkedIn only. Can you help direct me on the set up?” Here is how to set this up. Download Chrome …

Excluding Junk Results From Search


This is going to be a little bit technical… I am going to talk about pages that often show up in Google search results, when I do sourcing, that I’d rather skip. (If you don’t care to go through the technical stuff, please just skip to the last paragraph, or simply try my new Custom Search Engine.) Many Internet researchers know …

The 40+ Sourcing Tools We Cannot Live Without


We’ve had a great list of tools contributed by 80+ members of the Boolean Strings LinkedIn group to the question: “What are the sourcing tools you can’t live without? Please list some favorites.” and another 30 or so on the Boolean Ning Network – http://booleanstrings.ning.com/forum/topics/what-are-the-sourcing-tools I thought I’d list some of the tools I use daily, to add to the discussion. Of …

Custom Search Engine: Hidden Profiles


Here’s a Custom Search Engine I have created, “Hidden Profiles”. This search engine has become popular due to appearing up high for a Google search for “hidden profiles.” The Custom Search Engine looks for profiles across many different sites and has refinements for several social networks. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Another Custom Search …

Today’s Sourcing Contest/Quiz!


  Announcing a Sourcing Contest/Quiz. (It’s not easy!) Please post your answers as replies to this post. Replying only to some questions, and replying several times is allowed. Repeating someone’s correct answer is fine but will score lower, unless you add some nice explanations or examples. (So the sooner you get some answers in, the more advantage you have!) Repeating …

#SourceCon Challenge


Hi All: Here’s my business partner’s Julia Tverskaya‘s entry for the SourceCon challenge. Julia and I have been Partners at Brain Gain Recruiting for 6+ years- and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Julia is also (like me) a former Software Development Manager and (unlike me) a Chess Master. Please check it out and vote for her: CSE Challenge — …

Advanced Custom Search Engine: “Online Lead Generator”


Online Lead Generator This custom search engine will look for Excel files with lists of people, including their names, titles, companies, and contact information. To find lists that are relevant to your business, you can use Boolean strings with target companies’ names (ibm.com OR accenture.com or target titles (Director OR “Vice President”) . You can also try generic keywords that point to lists, such …