Following up on the great post on “Balazs and his magic sourcing world” – a new blog which you must start following! – I’d like to add just a few more details to be explored. As Balazs points out, we are experiencing fantastic new functionality, provided by LinkedIn, namely, searching and filtering others’ connections.
Balazs is sharing a link for exploring the connections’ connections:
You can also navigate to this link when seeing this icon when searching for people:
The people search results show the distribution of someone’s connections between a number of facets, such as locations, employers, and schools. The third level connections are included if you provide some keywords. I agree with Balazs 100%, that it is useful for research and CI.
The very same link works with the IDs of your second level connections and will show the connections that you and the other person have in common.
Finally, you can also research your own connections in a slightly different fashion than before. You can see how many of your connections also share a group with you:
Due to this function we can see super-connectors with their true numbers of connections, years since the numbers larger than 500 were hidden. The rumor that 30,000 connections is not the absolute maximum turns out to be true: here’s the top connector with 42,631 friends.
If we are not connected on LinkedIn, please invite me.
Any other observations? Please add your comments; thanks!