Good People Sourcing (or Resourcing, as they are called in some places) methods are, of, course, independent of industry and geography. Here is the first of a series of hands-on examples – based on some specific searches in the UK – on how to use some People Sourcing concepts. The same techniques can be applied to searches elsewhere.
Suppose we would like to get to pages that look “like” this one and also collect the info, without much mouse-clicking, copying, and pasting.
After exploring the page closely and experimenting a little with the amounts of asterisks (“placeholders”) in the Google search string, we could arrive at something like this:
(It’s actually more of art than science in figuring out the asterisks.) Here is what the results look like:
Then, using a parsing tool like Broadlook Contact Capture, we can get this in one click:
It’s possible to do this parsing more precisely simply with MS Excel, but that would be a few more key- and mouse-clicks.
Then, using some magic, we can find some of those people on LinkedIn (there’s no need for a paid account)…
… and do many more things; but let’s stop here for now.
(By the way please don’t think that if you have a list of LinkedIn profiles it’s a reason to invite them; it’s not what I had in mind at all.)
Here is a question to the reader: how would you change the above search string to also show the address as well, as in this screenshot?
Comments 1 “name * * title * * ” “telephone * *” “email * * *” “website http* * ” “address **””