Sourcing Contest #SourcingSolved


This week the People Sourcing Certification Program is running the Winter Sale, offering one or two extra webinars to those who purchase the People Sourcing Certification Materials (both level materials offer the best value – that is 18 hours of training!). Check it out!

In conjunction with it, we are announcing the Sourcing Contest – #SourcingSolved.

Below is a preview for those of you who are impatient and want to start thinking about the answers.

The Contest Winners will get the People Sourcing Certification Materials as the prize and, additionally, will get access to the People Aggregator HiringSolved.


First Prize: Both levels of the Sourcing Certification Program Materials AND three months of full access to HiringSolved.

Second Prize: The Winner’s choice of either Level 1 or Level 2 of the Program Materials AND one month of full access to HiringSolved.

Want to try the Challenge? You will need to answer several sourcing questions in a quiz-like style:

The Contest

Please note: I will not be able to answer any questions about the contest until it’s over.

Have fun!