Ten Favorite Tools Shared at Sourcing Chats in 2014



In 2014, our LinkedIn group – by far, the largest global community of people who are interested in Sourcing – reached 28K Members and the Boolean Strings Ning Network reached 7K members. Thanks to all for participating and sharing great content- and Happy Holidays!

The Bi-Weekly Sourcing Chats on the Ning Network, moderated by Master Sourcer David Galley, have been well attended in 2014 and always had great content, appreciated by all.

The Chats are not archived; the content stays up for about a day after the chat is over. (Of course, members are free to come and chat at any time outside of the “official” hours as well.)

Here are a few favorite free tools shared by the members of the Internet Sourcing Community in the last few sessions of 2014 at the Chats. Have you used these tools?

Email tracking:

Find the technology behind a site/find the webmaster or developer: BuiltWith (Chrome extension)

Social Look-up and Contact Info Search:

Broadlook’s “Contact Capture” as a Chrome Extension (the free part of the Extension): Capture!

Organize Info while Sourcing: Evernote

Access (lots of) public records – search by name, location: Family search.

The next Sourcing Chat is coming up on January 8, 2015; please join and bring your Sourcing questions and your suggestions for cool tools.

Looking to access in-depth coverage of Sourcing tools and methods? Go to our Training Library for single-subject in-depth webinars; sign up for the Sourcing Guidebook susbcription to have access to all topics Sourcing and ongoing support; or check out a “double-webinar” on Google Sourcing  (lecture AND practice) coming up January 6-7, 2015.