Searching for Grads: a Hands-On Example


LinkedIn has a people search filter that LinkedIn Recruiter doesn’t have: searching by keywords in the School names. Searching by school names is especially helpful if we are looking for professionals who have moved from one country to another.

Here is an example. I am currently sourcing for an HR Director for the San Francisco Bay Area office of an Israel-based company. They would prefer to hire someone who has moved here from Israel and understands the culture. Searching for graduates of Israel-based schools living in the Bay Area is an excellent way to find those candidates.

First, I assembled a list of colleges and universities in Israel on LinkedIn. I ran this search for schools. I collected the school names from the results using Instant Data Scraper from and created an OR statement with the school names:

“Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering” OR “Bar-Ilan University” OR “Ben-Gurion University of the Negev” OR “Bezalel Academy of Art and Design” OR “Coding Academy Israel” OR “College of Law and Business” OR “Developers.Institute” OR “Eastern Mediterranean International School” OR “Gvahim” OR “Habetzefer – הבצפר” OR “IDC Herzliya” OR “IDF Junior Command Military Academy” OR “IFI – Israel Financial Institute” OR “Israel Academic College” OR “Israel Tech Challenge <itc>” OR “Kivunim” OR “MLA – The center of Academic Studies” OR “Netcraft Academy” OR “Ono Academic College” OR “ORT Braude College” OR “ORT Colleges” OR “ORT Guttman” OR “Ruppin Academic Center” OR “School of Pharmacy/Institute for Drug Research,Hebrew University of Jerusalem” OR “See-Security: Cyber & Information Security College” OR “Shalem College” OR “Shapell’s/Darche Noam” OR “Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art.” OR “Tech Career Israel” OR “Technion – Israel Institute of Technology” OR “Tel Aviv University” OR “Tel Aviv University – Coller School of Management” OR “Tel-Hai College” OR “The College of Management Academic Studies” OR “The Department of Asian Studies – University of Haifa” OR “The Open University of Israel” OR “University of Haifa” OR “Vatel Israel” OR “Weizmann Institute of Science” OR “Yeshiva Keter Shlomo” 

Next, I pasted the above string into the Schools field, along with additional parameters, resulting in this search.

Note, if you are a LinkedIn Recruiter subscriber, you won’t be able to run a search like that; you need to run it from your personal account.