17 Custom Search Engines

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity 3 Comments

Here are some Google Custom Search Engines for Sourcing I have created:

  1. Google No-Captchas(a.k.a. Search Like a Human)
    Public link: Search Like a Human– just search for anything without being tested for not being a bot
  2. Email Formats – use to discover email patterns for any corporation
  3. LinkedIn – Countries– X-Rays LinkedIn profiles; offers a dozen refinements by country
  4. Emails in Resumes– not only looks for resumes but also pushes email addresses in the resumes to be seen in snippets
  5. Document Finder– looks for documents that are stored in one of a dozen popular document storage sites, such as Slideshare
  6. File Types– looks for certain file types such as Excel and PDF. It is helpful if you are searching for lists or resumes
  7. Software Engineers in the Bay Area– exactly what it says (created by Julia)
  8. Hidden Resumes– triggers a resume search without any search operators. It is used on the site http://hiddenresumes.com
  9. Diversity Associations
  10. http://bit.ly/LinkedIn-XRay – just LinkedIn X-Ray
  11. http://bit.ly/LanguageSpeakers – X-Ray LinkedIn for language proficiency (search by a language name)
  12. http://bit.ly/developerresumes – Developer resumes
  13. http://bit.ly/GithubRepos – find Github users by programming languages
  14. http://bit.ly/Find-Accountants – find Accountants
  15. http://bit.ly/Find-Physicians – find Physicians
  16. http://bit.ly/hiddenprofiles – find social profiles (my most popular CSE!)
  17. http://bit.ly/findpersons – find people on the Internet

Learn about Custom Search Engines and other tools at our webinar on Wednesday, September 11th – Productivity Tools for Sourcing!

Also, learn about scraping tools in the recording Web Scraping For Recruiters and Custom Search Engines in Become A Custom Search Engines Expert.

Comments 3

    1. Post

      Thank you, William! X-Raying Facebook is not a good idea since you get little info on the person and lots of info on other people on public profiles.

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