Diversity Filter Coverage – Women’s Names

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

Diversity Sourcing is not easy. There is no clear way to search for diversity categories on social sites or Google. Our less-than-perfect but necessary approach consists of “shortcuts” – ways to search that are likely to bring up groups of potential diversity candidates. As an example, Jonathan Kidder has a collection of diversity Boolean strings. Glen Cathey’s blog offers quite a …

Image Diversity Sourcing with No Photos

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity, Hack

  Those of us who source for diversity know that reviewing profile photos is one of the key filtering techniques in sourcing for several kinds of diversity. But today, I want to tell you how to find some female candidates with no photos included. I came up with this hack while sourcing for a Director of Data and AI in …

Eleven Diversity Sourcing Exam-Like Questions

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

In 2020, Diversity is on everyone’s mind. Our first run of the Diversity Sourcing Training and Certification Program has exceeded our expectations in the way it has been received. We have an audience of thirty eager to learn recruiters. They show a “can’t wait to put my hands on it” attitude, which every trainer loves. They ask questions. They tell …

Diversity Sourcing: Bird’s Eye View

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

While we always “search for what we expect to find” as “the” approach to any sourcing, Diversity sourcing has its unique characteristics – and it is not easy. Here are the main points that stand out in our sourcing practice. I believe they are universal. Let me know what you think. Diversity sourcing primarily relies on two techniques: 1. Long …

New! Diversity Sourcing Training & Certification Program

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

With the unmistakably fast-growing demand for diversity sourcing in 2020, we at Sourcing Certifications have developed and are opening, as of today, a Diversity Sourcing Training and Certification Program. I am excited about the new offering! It will include: Webinar on sourcing Webinar on diversity sourcing Interactive diversity sourcing practice One month of support Certified Diversity Sourcing Professional (CDSP) exam …

Social List Gets its First Diversity Agent

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

Are you sourcing for diversity? Those of us who are, know how laborious sourcing can become if you aim to be genuinely inclusive. As a solution to some of those sourcing pains, the Social List Team is happy to introduce – LinkedIn Agent – Diversity – Females. (If you are unfamiliar with our tool Social List, it allows you to …

Fifth Edition of “300 Best Boolean Strings” & One More String

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

I am glad to announce that you can preorder the fifth edition of my popular eBook “300 Best Boolean Strings” at BooleanBook.com For the 5th edition, I had to replace about 35% of strings that no longer brought up remarkable results, and added new strings. And here is a new String for you. To X-Ray Facebook for specific content, use …

Visual Research and Validation

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

In this post, I outline two uses of image search in sourcing. For these purposes, searching in Google images is “good enough” but Bing and Yandex will also work. Visual Research My sourcing projects come from different industries (which I love.) There is a particular way I identify target companies for initially unfamiliar industries. To figure out what a company …

Your Homework

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

Motivating recruiters to source outside of LinkedIn is topic managers often bring up when signing up their teams for training. Yesterday, I spoke with a potential client, a thriving agency manager whose recruiters “won’t step outside of LinkedIn.” “How do I motivate them?” The conversation has prompted me to write my thoughts down. Sourcing is not Rocket Science, but it …

Diversity Identifiers

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

Due to the last few months’ global events, diversity hiring and diversity recruiting training are the two topics getting a lot – if not most – Social Media attention within our industry. If your search includes a preference for reaching out to diverse candidates, expect it to take twice as long, unless you have built a diversity sourcing part of …