If you are sourcing for professionals who provide services such as Accounting, or looking for office locations for a specific company, searching on Google Maps will provide valuable information. Scraping a Maps search results page allows you to filter and enrich the data, and you can do it quite simply, with no coding involved.
PhantomBuster is a wonderful collection of automation scripts; they recently released a Google Maps Search Export. However, my preference for scraping Maps is a favorite tool Instant Data Scraper because it goes over all the results vs. partial. (There are also many specialized map scraping tools but I don’t think anything more complex is more beneficial).
Let’s look at an example. I have searched for accountant near manhattan and ran the Instant Scraper:
Within seconds, I got this table with 309 rows, type of business, whether it is a Certified Public Accountant, office addresses, websites, ratings, and numbers of ratings submitted:
Where else would you find a list of CPAs in Manhattan this fast? 😉
Please join me for an updated sourcing class Web Scraping For Recruiters on Tuesday, February 11th, with an optional hands-on practice the next day. Seating is limited, and the class is one of our most popular, so register now!