Hack: Search for Female Names with This CSE

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity, Hack

Are you searching for diversity? Using the same “synonyms” trick as described in Hack: Use 500 Keywords, Not 32, on Google, I have created a Custom Search Engine that looks for the 50 most popular women’s names. Add location, title, or skills, and you will get a list of women’s LinkedIn profiles with the required qualities.

Example search: python developer bay area. Here is what it looks like:

The results may have false positives, but the majority will be on target.

You can create other diversity CSEs using synonyms, for example, a list of Latino last names, or African-American colleges. Let me know if you want me to make one for you.

Please join us for the updated webinar “Sourcing Hacks” on March 18th, 2020. We will share some new hacks (and some old ones are gone).