[EDITED]: for updated information, please go to Github Syntax and the LUSOG Tool Release.
Hiring Software Developers? This awesome tool, created by our IT consultant, was the highlight of my presentation at #sosutech. Its purpose is to collect user profile data into a table. Here is how to make it yours.
1. Copy https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sdOD4zGjg_rKyAElE53kZuRgbqx4QAgKFnS6u9vYlGo/edit#gid=0 to your Drive
2.Generate a free API token at https://github.com/settings/tokens
3. Try to run (any) script and give it permission to run
Now you can search for users with the location: and language: operators and populate the table:
Another function allows you to get user names and other profile information from a list of email addresses.