Google Basic Syntax Chart

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Notes: These are the core operators and symbols. This is plenty to masterfully search and source on Google; the rest is practice, art, and experimentation, I think 🙂  (Please let me know if you feel you’d like to add another operator or a symbol to this). The list reflects the most recent changes in Google’s Boolean syntax. Do not use AND in your searches. …

The PLUS Operator Has Been Replaced

booleanstringsBoolean, Uncategorized 3 Comments

This seems like a big piece of news. When you try to use the operator + (meaning, give me the exact term), you now get this message: The + operator has been replaced. To search for an exact word or phrase, use double quotation marks The help page reflects the changes. It has been somewhat awkward that Google introduced Google-Plus and their PLUS operator …

Advanced Custom Search Engine: “Online Lead Generator”

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Online Lead Generator This custom search engine will look for Excel files with lists of people, including their names, titles, companies, and contact information. To find lists that are relevant to your business, you can use Boolean strings with target companies’ names ( OR or target titles (Director OR “Vice President”) . You can also try generic keywords that point to lists, such …

Search .gov .com .org .edu

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This Custom Search Engine  Search .gov .com .org .edu will search only domains with one of the four extensions. You can refine the results to see results from only one of them (such as .gov).

Lists of Sourcers and Recruiters on Twitter

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I used to have a friend who was known for making lists of lists. Here are two lists: 1) “sourcers” lists and 2) “recruiters” lists on twitter (do you have one? do you follow one?): (this one is mine) …

The Guess Function

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It’s great to have tools that sort, browse and filter our search results. This saves time – and may allow us to perform more loose searches knowing that we can parse results later and go through them quickly. The best set of free tools I know of, and many of you have heard of it as well, is called Outwit. …

Ten People Search Engines

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Ten People Search Engines… and Two Custom Engines Which people search engines do you use? The first four in the list below are my favorites. One extra criteria for me, in addition to getting good info, is convenient and friendly user interface. ZoomInfo Jigsaw Pipl Tweepz (for Twitter) I also X-ray, looking for email addresses, …

Search Strings That Do Not Work

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The main reason why Boolean search strings don’t work is syntax errors – that are, in fact, easy to fix. Google, Yahoo, Bing, LinkedIn are very picky about the ways we express what we are looking for – but it’s not hard to adjust to ways they want us to talk to them. Let’s take a look at some examples …

Control Google Search Results via the URL

booleanstringsBoolean 1 Comment

Google allows us to keep the preferences for the number of the results per page, but there are no user-friendly ways to keep some other favorite options. One way to do that is through the URL of the search page. It may look cryptic at first but let’s be brave and try to alter the URL and see how it affects …

List of 24 Large Corporations Interested in Sourcing

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Resumes and interviews have not changed a whole lot, but sourcing has, and there’s a big need for recruiters to get up to speed. I believe that all companies, especially large corporations, need either to help recruiters to learn web sourcing skills, or hire sourcers, or do both. If you “post and prey” you might still be just fine but …