#Sourcing #Contest!


Hi All,

Have you ever participated in a sourcing contest? Want to try it? It’s a lot of fun! Here you go:

I have a former classmate who has moved to the UK and is a beginner sourcer. The guy is pretty shy and, though he has joined Twitter, LinkedIn, and has even tried to start blogging, he still needs some advice. The first person to invite him to join (any) LinkedIn group where he can learn about sourcing is our winner. Note, you need to email my friend and use his full first name, spelled correctly, otherwise he’s not likely to respond. A slight trace of his online presence can be seen below and on the front page of  the Boolean Network .

You will not need to use any tools or have advanced technical knowledge. I will post the contest results on the Ning network as well, and will also tweet about it.

The prize is attending my popular webinar about LinkedIn changes that I am repeating on Thursday 3/31 @ 1 PM EST or a credit towards a future webinar.

Have fun!

P.S. Here is a message from my friend:

Hi everybody! Are you going to participate in the sourcing contest today? You will be looking for me 🙂


Update from the Shy Sourcer at 1:20 PM PST on Monday:

Two people have emailed me, I am delighted! Our winners are: Megan and Monali. Congratulations!

The competition was fierce! Several people sent me InMails, and invitations, commented on my blog, followed me on Twitter @shysourcer. Look how many channels sourcers have these days! I got a couple of emails where my name wasn’t spelled right as well. One person even found a real high school buddy of Irina’s who lives in San Francisco now.

The winners did it just right, with about 30 seconds between their emails.

Thank you all! I had lots of fun.