Boolean Strings: Questions and Answers (Repeating!)

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Join us for a Webinar on February 2nd

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Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

(Repeating for those who couldn’t make it last time.)
The webinar is for all recruiters and sourcers who are open to increasing their productivity and are interested in finding out more about specific sourcing techniques, Boolean strings, and search engines that they have started using or have heard of.

I will:
– address sourcing questions most frequently asked on the Boolean Strings group and network
– provide an update on searching syntax and techniques that have happened because of recent Google changes
– hold a Q&A session where you could clarify issues around your current sourcing tools, methodologies, and searches for professionals online.

1. Boolean Strings FAQ:
What are search strings to target people with given years of experience?
How do I find the names & contact info for attendees of a particular professional conference?
What are the search strings to look for job openings?

Where can I go online to learn more about Boolean Strings?
What are the best beginner training sessions and must have tools?

Should we use the operator AND?
Does the order of the words matter in a search string?
Where and how does the NEAR operator work?

How can I find the email protocol for a given company?
How do I verify an email address?

How can I find the Hidden person’s name on LinkedIn?
How do I X-ray LinkedIn to find people in a certain location?
How do I contact a person whose LinkedIn profile I have found?
Is there a way to invite a 3rd level connection on LinkedIn?
How do I send a message to a group member on LinkedIn without visiting the group?

2. Update on searching: recent changes in Google search.

3. Interactive Q and A session. Bring your questions.

I will provide an up-to-date basic comparison chart for search engines along with a list of examples (previously referenced as “the top 25 Boolean Strings” to all attendees.

Price: $79 includes unlimited Q&A on the material over email for one month. Payment page:
Title: Boolean Strings: Questions and Answers
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2012
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM PST



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