Let’s take a look at what various LinkedIn types of accounts offer.
LinkedIn has “personal” and “professional” account types. Personal are basic, career, and business subscriptions. All personal accounts have the same search filters (there are no “premium” filters for a business account). Professional are Recruiter Lite, LinkedIn Recruiter (LIR), Sales Navigator, and Sales Navigator Team.
Number of Search Results
All LinkedIn accounts show up to 1,000 search results. There is no difference between accounts in the number of search results.
Personal and professional accounts differ in the search filters they offer. And it’s not that the more expensive accounts give us more filters – they are just different.
Unique Search Filters
Personal (basic/premium) accounts have these unique fields – absent in paid accounts
- Profile Language (missing in Navigator and Lite)
- Nonprofit interests
- School Name
Professional accounts have these, not currently in personal:
- Company size
- Zip/radius
Sales Navigator has these additional fields:
- All groups
- Years at current position/company
- Company type
- Posted content words (unique filter)
Sales Navigator also gives us an advanced Company search.
Recruiter Lite has these unique fields:
- Skills
- Veterans
- My groups
- Recently joined
LIR also has, in addition, to Lite’s filters:
- Spoken languages
- Field of study
- Degree
- All groups
- Project/team-related searches
What’s Missing
- Personal accounts do not allow to search by zip code/radius, quite an inconvenience.
- Recruiter Lite offers to organize the information in projects and with tags but doesn’t allow to search by those filters – which makes it rather useless.
As a conclusion, if you cannot have a subscription to LinkedIn Recruiter, Sales Navigator presents a pretty good set of features and search filters. Of course, a decision, which account to choose, depends on everyone’s goals and budget.
Please check out our presentation – Overcoming LinkedIn’s Limitations, with extensive advice and multiple tips for various accounts.