LinkedIn Groups Upcoming Decline

booleanstringsBoolean, LinkedIn

LinkedIn has announced some major – negative – changes coming up for LinkedIn Groups.

The announcement sounds rather odd to me. While LinkedIn will add a few new additions to Groups, they are taking away the two main features that make Groups useful for members.

  1. Moderation queues will be “temporarily” unavailable. — I expect groups to get spammy posts, diminishing Groups’ value.
  2. Admin and auto-generated group emails (including digests, automated templates, and announcements) will be unavailable “as we build better and more robust notification and communication channels.” — As a Group moderator, I expect it to be harder to stay in touch with members and share relevant news and training classes. This, too, sounds like they are taking a significant feature away, without providing anything to substitute it.

Why release a Groups update without keeping these two features? I guess it’s a rhetorical question…

You can read the full announcement, which they have sent to Group moderators, here.

LinkedIn Groups have already been on the decline since LinkedIn made some functionality changes about two years ago. Groups have already become less engaging and less interactive.

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