While Facebook has stopped showing event attendees in most cases, LinkedIn has started doing so, for our benefit.
LinkedIn has just introduced Event search. Pick an event that is of interest to people you would like to connect and mark yourself as “attending.” (Marking means an intention to attend). You can then not only see the full list of attendees but can also search within it by the usual filters like company, title, and location.
As an example, here is, for our Online Sourcing Day 2 on Nov 4, 2020 (which you should attend if sourcing interests you!), LI Event https://www.linkedin.com/events/6702666182127968256/.
Mark yourself as attending, and you can search using any filters within the group of attendees:
What are some use cases for searching for professionals in an event?
- Connect and network with people attending a conference in the same industry
- Find colleagues to hire or an opportunity to pursue
- Find a conference attended by potential candidates in your industry and source them the same way. It might help that you saw their interest in the meeting to qualify and start communicating with them.
- If it is your event, learn about participants’ backgrounds to improve content delivery; communicate with them on feedback and future events.
And please sign up for OSLD-2! That is going to be six hours of awesome sourcing content.