These Keywords Are Not on the Job Description

booleanstringsBoolean 3 Comments

For leadership roles, a professional’s value is aligned with their ability to solve problems, thus allowing the company’s further growth. If a job description calls for a leader, you would be searching for profiles with keywords like leadership, growth, expansion, etc., synonymic to the words in the requirements. (Expect another post soon BTW.)

However, a true problem solver will also have keywords on his/her profile that are usually not in the job description. I am talking about “problem” (or negative) words describing difficult situations – that the person has helped solve. Here is an example (to be used on LinkedIn):

underperforming OR(destroyed) OR(losing) OR(loss) OR(lost) OR(declining) OR(failing) OR(fail) OR(“lack of”) OR(poor) OR(insufficient) OR(“did not meet”) OR(slow) OR(stalled) OR(behind) OR(failure) OR(decline) OR (outdated) OR(obsolete) OR(old) OR(broken) OR(inadequate) OR(“not enough”) OR(problem) OR(problems).

This search returns 26 MLN problem solvers! Unsurprisingly, tech giants lead in the numbers of solvers. Give it a try and let me know if it helps to uncover new results.

You can also use the string in Content search (combine the above with some keywords pointing to an industry or company) and find social shares from leaders.

(Can you think of some string additions? Please post in the comments.)

And this is where we humans beet the AI 😉

P.S. Do you own the 5th edition of the “Boolean Book”? There are 300 more searches there.

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