Why Google Email?

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

I find it to be incredibly productive, as part of the sourcing process, to Google for email addresses (in the quotation marks). It’s particularly useful to Google an email address of someone whom you believe to be a fit for the opening you are trying to fill, an “ideal” candidate. Here is what we can achieve by searching for an …

Improve Your Writing Using Google Suggestions

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

These two simple methods for raising SEO of your pages also help to improve the readability and the writing style. 1. In your writing, use the words appearing in Google Suggestions. You will see some phrases as soon as you start typing your query in Google. For example, here is what Google shows in response to “sourcing training”. If you …

Should You Trust All Google Tip Sheets?

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

To the best of my knowledge, these are trustworthy, informative posts, correctly outlining Google’s advanced search syntax as of now: Google Help (partial list; Google’s Help no longer lists all of the operators) Advanced Power Searching Skills Quick Reference (slightly outdated; by Dan Russel of Google) Google’s Advanced Search Operators (by Dan Russel, updated January 2018) Selected Google Commands (by …

Google’s Numrange is Broken

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

I hope that Google’s search operator Numrange will get fixed, and this post will become outdated. Numrange looks like this – 10..12 (replace the numbers for different ranges). It is supposed to find all the numbers between the lower and upper limits that we specify. Unfortunately, lately, we and some of our students have noticed the operator Numrange decline – it …

Five Hidden Google Operators

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

Many Sourcers know that adding “&filter=0” to the search URL would “tell” Google to “search with omitted results included”. There are several other ways to control search results that cannot be expressed through the Google advanced search operators. These include: narrow to a language – set in the Advanced Search Dialog narrow to a country – set in the Advanced Search …

The Full List of Google Advanced Search Operators

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

  Operator Meaning Pages containing keywords in: allinurl: / inurl: – the URL allintitle: / intitle: – the Title allintext: / intext: – the text allinanchor:  /  inanchor: – the anchor text filetype: – file types site: Narrow results to a site related: Shows similar sites info: Shows page info define Gives a definition The quotes (“”) Search for a …

Least Understood Google Operator

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

Arguably, the least understood Google operator is inanchor: Google’s advanced search documentation has lost the level of detail it used to have just a few years ago. It no longer describes inanchor: and quite a few other operators. What [ inanchor:keyword ] means, is – search for pages, links (anchors) to which from other pages have the keyword (or key …

How To Get Your Google Search History

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

Google keeps your search history (and lots of other data), even if you clear the browser’s cache, and allows to download the history. Here is how to get your Search History for the last few years in a convenient Excel format. On your Google Take-Out, select (only) “Searches”. Google will create an archive of your searches, which you can download as JSON …

More on OR: the Google Boolean Dilemma

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

  Anthropology and Psychology study human behavior. Ethology is the study of animal behavior. As a Sourcer, I am finding myself more and more studying software behavior. (Is there a term for that?) Studying a software application may sound odd. Isn’t writing software also called “programming” which means that its behavior is fully predictable? There are two factors related to studying software behavior: We usually don’t have access to the …

Sourcing on Facebook, Twitter, and Google-Plus: New Webinar!

booleanstringsBoolean, Google

As Sourcers and Recruiters, we face increasing costs for searching and messaging on the dedicated professional networks and decreasing performance on job boards. It’s time to review the sourcing capabilities of the “other” major Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook, and Google-Plus. These Social Networks do not identify as the designated sites to recruit professionals, yet they contain huge volumes of professional …