Code Interpreter for Sourcing

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Professionals generally fall into two categories: 1) people who are handy with Excel, Google Docs, merging, VLOOKUPs, etc., like David Galley, and 2) those who try to avoid working with tables, like me. I am glad to have David on the team, but I can’t bug him with every table-related task. ChatGPT Code Interpreter (you must have a $20/mo account …

Integrating Social Media into Your Talent Recruitment Strategy

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Social Media Marketing can play an important role in keeping a pipeline of potential targets informed and possibly interested. Running groups, newsletters, and events along with social media shares can make a difference in the perception of your company as well as attract the right people. Combining channels means reminders and further reach. For starters, your profile as a marketer …

Who Needs LinkedIn Recruiter? X-Ray vs. LinkedIn Search Comparison Chart – July 2023

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Hung Lee asked me on the recent Brainfood on Air show dedicated to LinkedIn, whether the comparison chart between X-Ray and LinkedIn Recruiter remains the same as in October 2022 when I published it. Not quite. Thanks to David Galley for helping me to update it. The changes are mostly subtle though. X-Ray remains a powerful tool. Enjoy! LinkedIn …

Let’s Search on Github Update

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    We did not anticipate such a huge response to the Let’s Seach on Github Google Sheets table. Two things emerged: The use was so (unexpectedly) high – we got tens of thousands of calls in the logs – that some people did not get the data due to timeouts. Many users could not figure it out. We did …

LinkedIn, Do You Have Any Recommendations?

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  Guest post from Talent Sourcer Mike Santoro LinkedIn does not value public candidate recommendations as much as Recruiters and Sourcers do.  There is currently no way to search natively on Linkedin for candidates publicly endorsed by their managers, coworkers, clients, and friends.  Even more valuable would be a way to search the rich text that people use to describe …

How Good is ChatGPT Plugin Scraper?

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One of the ChatGPT Plugins is Scraper. Here are my impressions about it. While it is uncertain how well it can – we need more testing – it shows a decent degree of Internet access compared to other plugins. Unlike many scrapers, it will not access pages where you are logged in. So it is not an option to use …

Let’s Search on Github

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  [EDITED]: for updated information, please go to Github Syntax and the LUSOG Tool Release. Hiring Software Developers? This awesome tool, created by our IT consultant, was the highlight of my presentation at #sosutech. Its purpose is to collect user profile data into a table. Here is how to make it yours. 1. Copy  to your Drive 2.Generate a …

Doximity Healthcare Custom Search Engine

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Are you curious about Custom Search Engine operators more:pagemap:? The Healthcare site Doximity offers, I think, the richest set of them. Look at the export of a search on Doximity with our tool Social List, based on CSE APIs: Here is the list of operators applicable on a Doximity CSE: more:p:metatags-profile_first_name:$firstname more:p:metatags-profile_last_name:$lastname more:p:metatags-profile_gender:$gender more:p:person-honorificsuffix:$degree more:p:person-jobtitle:$jobtitle more:p:educationalorganization-name:$eduname more:p:profilepage-award:$award more:p:profilepage-affiliation:$affiliation more:p:postaladdress-addresslocality:$city more:p:postaladdress-addressregion:$state …

ChatGPT Bing vs Others for Site Summaries

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Of Bing Chat, ChatGPT Bing plugin, Google BARD, and Google SGE (I’m on the waiting list), my favorite so far is the ChatGPT Bing plugin. It seems best at digesting website content. (That said, I do not think anyone has come up with even a design of a workable combination of web search and AI-generated content. Sites plainly put both …

Google Returns a Fraction of 2022 Results

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As I have been reviewing the search links in the “Search Is No Longer Boolean” class, I see one obvious change: the number of results for more-or-less complex strings has dramatically declined. lisp “developer” anna jones – 10 (was 94) results lisp “engineer” anna jones – 9 (was 233) — that is 3%! lisp “engineer” OR “developer” anna jones – …