The First Ever Level 2 Certified Peoplesourcer

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Congratulations to our very first Level 2 Certified Peoplesourcer – Jing Wang, a Sourcer and a Recruiter from Goldbeck Recruiting in Vancouver, Canada. Based on Jing’s work through the Peoplesourcing Certification Program and on her Test Level 2 results, I would recommend her as a strong up-and-coming Sourcer, able to work hard, to absorb new material in high volumes, and to creatively …

Personal Search

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  Personal search is the type of search that takes into account what your online friends favor. For a researcher who wants to be objective it makes no sense to have it on. We can (and should) turn off personal results, as Google lets us. Personal search implemented by Google is at its highest power when we are logged into Google-plus. At …

The Numbers of Public Profiles

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I have run across some interesting URLs that seem to give us very good approximations for the number of public LinkedIn profiles and their distribution across countries. To benefit, please log out of your LinkedIn account. All LinkedIn Public Profiles – 144,224,954 as of today. This gives me the following statistics to view: Further on, these are the numbers to check out …

Google Finds @Twitter Handles, #Hashtags

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Remember this recent post on Mashable Google: Sorry, Twitter, We Don’t Index the @ Symbol? Those of us on the Boolean Strings group, who are search syntax perfectionists and are tired of seeing yet another suggestion to search for @*.com or *, etc. to find emails, were glad that this info (that is present in Google’s help as well, by the way) was confirmed …

Why #LinkedIn is Not a Job Board

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“LinkedIn is becoming just another Job Board.” Is that true? I think we are mixing up several unrelated things in a statement like this. 1) Job Boards seems to be used as a criticism. But Job Boards, such as are still great for sourcing (you may skip the advanced semantic search when signing up if the price is a …

Win a Pass to the #PeopleSourcing Certification Program

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  The latest Update: Congratulations to the two winners: Jeanne Darby of Volt Workforce Solutions Debra Quiat of ToysRUs – welcome to the Program! 🙂 We have a tremendous amount of interest in the upcoming People Sourcing Certifications – and the space is already filling out! Check the Press Release! This is the first program that will: cover all the material …

Certifications FAQ

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Please note: here’s the NEW SITE with all the up-to-date info. We have a huge volume of inquires about the Certifications and sign-ups are on-going, and I am very happy about it! Here are some Frequently Asked Questions: Q. What are the dates for the next training? A. I will provide materials and video-recordings for all sessions. There will be live Q&A sessions convenient for everyone’s …

Announcing People Sourcing Certifications

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March 12, 2012 I am happy to announce our Sourcing Certification program. Terminology Instead of using the term “Sourcing” (as we are used to in recruiting), and per a great suggestion I got, I will call the discipline “Peoplesourcing”, which means finding information about professionals. (Recruiters call it “Sourcing”, “Candidate Sourcing”, “Talent Sourcing”, or “Internet Recruiting”; sales people are not familiar with the term …

Thoughts on Sourcing Certifications

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Reasons for Sourcing Certifications The Boolean Strings Group and Network have become by far the largest community of sourcers online. Together with two other groups I moderate, Twitter, Google-Plus, and Facebook for Sourcing and Recruiting and Social Media Recruiting Group we have 30K+ members interested in sourcing technologies.  This blog is also part of my contribution to the sourcing community; it has had 140K+ visitors and is enjoying …

Google-Minus and 7 Tips on Controling Your Search

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It seems that changes to online search happen so quickly now that the only permanent skill we need to have is the ability to be on top of the news. Google search is changing as we speak. Pretty much all of the available online “cheat-sheets” or guides to search are outdated. Even Google’s own help pages say  “Some of this …