Who Is Thinking of a New Career?

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Q: What do many people do when they start to think about their career? A: They update their LinkedIn profile. Up till recently tracking, which members update their profiles, was only possible for your first level connections, as an example, by subscribing to Bullhorn Reach. It is now possible to watch for all the skills and title changes by using …

LinkedIn’s Challenges and Rewards

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I love LinkedIn! It has been bringing us more matching candidates and business connections than everything else combined out there. For my own recruiting business LinkedIn accounts for 100% placed candidates in the last twelve months and a large chunk of sourcing information that I submit to others when sourcing. Yet taking the full advantage of LinkedIn is not straightforward! …

People Sourcing Certifications Update

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I’d like to share a People Sourcing Certifications Program update. We’ve had two rounds of the Program, starting in March and in June 2012. The program has been incredibly successful so far! The next round will start in September. In the meantime, you can get the Program Materials from the June 2012 Program, with a special pricing of $299 until July 10th …

Connections’ Connections

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Following up on the great post on “Balazs and his magic sourcing world” – a new blog which you must start following! – I’d like to add just a few more details to be explored. As Balazs points out, we are experiencing fantastic new functionality, provided by LinkedIn, namely, searching and filtering others’ connections. Balazs is sharing a link for exploring the …

The OR Challenge

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Here is today’s Sourcing Challenge! Find an Excel file with a list of companies with full contact info, where one column in the table will contain only this in every row (below its title): OR (yes, just like the operator OR) Email the URL for the list to [email protected] Also, email the shortest possible search string on Google or on …

The Twenty-Five Boolean Strings

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These are 25 (slightly modified) of the Boolean search string samples we have discussed in the lectures in the People Sourcing Certification Program. Hope you will see some usage that will help you practice and create your search strings. These strings do not guarantee to do anything remarkable, especially if you replace keywords or if anything in Google’s Boolean syntax …

A Test Question for the People Sourcing Certification Program

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Participants of the People Sourcing Certification Program go through 60 questions for the Level 1 and 80 questions for the Level 2 at the end of the Program. We use the tests as an additional opportunity to practice and apply the sourcing skills. As several participants have pointed out, and as one of them wrote, the Program actually makes you “think” instead of …

Google-Plus for People Sourcing

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Join us for a webinar on May 22. Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/309565442 Google-Plus presents excellent tools for searching, sourcing, and reaching out, and it’s time to master them. Let the Facebook numbers not fool you; Google-Plus is the second top place on the Internet to figure out, if you are looking for professionals, after …

20 Must-Have’s For Recruiters and Sourcers

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What Level People Sourcer (One or Two) can you expect to achieve if you join the Certification Program? I believe that everybody who searches for professional people online – recruiters, sourcers, sales, marketing, business development people – need to aim to answer yes to these 20 questions below, to remain competitive and productive: Do you search for professionals on Google? Are you familiar …

Google-Plus Circles, Part 1

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  Circles on Google+ present excellent people sourcing capabilities. Without looking closer, you may at first think that circles are like groups on LinkedIn, or maybe like lists on Twitter, but they are not. The interesting thing about circles is that only you, the circle creator, know what any circle is about and how you have named it. “Outsiders” can …