Hack: Google for Facebook Photos Interpretations #OSINT

booleanstringsBoolean, Google, Hack, OSINT

Based on the following two behaviors from the tech giants: Facebook interprets pictures and inserts the interpretation into its public pages HTML code Googlebot indexes these interpretation phrases – you can reveal lists of members’ names and profiles based on Google’s image search. The two Facebook phrases most common for tagging photos are: “Image may contain… “, for example, “image …

New! Diversity Sourcing Training & Certification Program

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

With the unmistakably fast-growing demand for diversity sourcing in 2020, we at Sourcing Certifications have developed and are opening, as of today, a Diversity Sourcing Training and Certification Program. I am excited about the new offering! It will include: Webinar on sourcing Webinar on diversity sourcing Interactive diversity sourcing practice One month of support Certified Diversity Sourcing Professional (CDSP) exam …

Your Homework

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

Motivating recruiters to source outside of LinkedIn is topic managers often bring up when signing up their teams for training. Yesterday, I spoke with a potential client, a thriving agency manager whose recruiters “won’t step outside of LinkedIn.” “How do I motivate them?” The conversation has prompted me to write my thoughts down. Sourcing is not Rocket Science, but it …

Googling: Science or Art?


When Google started out, it had a database of indexed pages searchable by keywords and advanced search operators such as site:. Gradually, Google began adding semantic search features. (It has been reworking its storage, Index, accordingly, to contain “knowledge” type of data about stored pages). Here are the most significant semantic-oriented additions over the years. A while ago, Google started …

Talent Pipeline Decline?

booleanstringsBoolean, LIR

One of the few paid Sourcing tools I use is RPS (LinkedIn Recruiter, or LIR, for Agencies). It is our highest yearly expense, but we have been choosing to stay with it for a number of years now. My favorite feature of LIR has always been “Talent Pipeline” (the name doesn’t really fit), which is, in fact, the import function. …

LinkedIn Recruiter Doesn’t Do What You Think It Does

booleanstringsBoolean, LinkedIn, LIR

LinkedIn has not failed to create UI/UX that doesn’t do what we expect it to do. It’s been a Sourcer’s delight to figure out the “ins” of LinkedIn and, in particular, LinkedIn Recruiter (which I extensively use for sourcing) over the years. To add to the confusion, LinkedIn often makes “helpful” adjustments to its software, and what it exactly does …

The Fastest Ever Way to Uncover Hidden Names


LinkedIn shows very little information about members who are out of our networks, even for those of us who pay for premium personal accounts. This brand new method to uncover the real name, when we see “LinkedIn Member” instead, and view the full profile takes about ONE SECOND to execute. Here is how it works. Take a very, very careful look …

A Stellar Addition to Our Team!


Photo: David Galley, me, and Martin Lee – from Oscar Mager’s Sourcing Summit Europe – 2015 album. I am very happy to announce that my good friend and colleague Martin Lee is joining us full time as Head Instructor at Sourcing Certification and  Partner, EMEA & APAC at Brain Gain Recruiting. Martin and I met at the second #trulondon event (very un-conference style) back in 2010, …

LinkedIn – “Known Issues”


For me and for many others, LinkedIn is “the” site for finding and connecting with professionals. LinkedIn has created an incredible shift in how we are searching for professionals for recruiting. I am not a fan of LinkedIn Customer Support, though. I have heard of significant improvements for Support but am not sure those improvements have happened. Here are some observations. If you have submitted a …

The Reason Why We Love LinkedIn Recruiter #LIR

booleanstringsBoolean, LIR

The LinkedIn Recruiter Talent Pipeline was first rolled out in 2012. It is included in the LinkedIn Recruiter (LIR) subscription at no extra charge. In my mind, Talent Pipeline is one of the best LIR features; I have used it successfully for sourcing projects in numerous industries and locations. However (based on our teaching Talent Sourcing and talking to many LIR subscribers), …