Some sourcers are a bit of “perfectionists“; they aim to craft the perfect searches. While (I admit!) I could enhance that side of my personality, I would like to offer some thoughts that may help you struggle less and feel more at ease while sourcing. In our group and network discussions you may come across something like: “this Google search …
A Hint on Optimizing Company Profiles on #LinkedIn
Search Engine Optimization is a tricky area. But it’s less tricky on LinkedIn than on Google and Bing. Here is a top hint on how to make your company profile be one of the first listed in a keyword search. Let’s look at what LinkedIn writes on their blog about their new company search algorithm: “When searching for a company, we …
Advanced Sourcing Techniques, a Joint UK/US Production – May 24th!
[The webinar is over. Please check the Downloads section for available training materials, or let me know if you’d want to arrange training on related topics.] A joint UK / USA production ! Join us for some of the latest sourcing techniques in this 90 minute webinar that looks across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. This online training session is hosted by Irina …
X-Raying #LinkedIn for Years of Experience
It’s always a challenge to include a range of years of experience in a particular area when searching on the open web. With the new LinkedIn Skills section – that shows up in public profiles by default – we now have a unique way to do that. Check it out. The following string uses Google’s Numrange function, Google’s asterisk “*” that stands …
Unlock Matches on #LinkedIn
Posting a paid job on LinkedIn could be well worth the money spent. A good reason for that is the job’s visibility, and not just on LinkedIn. Post a job, and Google picks it up in a matter of seconds. Set up a Google alert and you will see that. Jobs are also listed on your company page, making it more …
#Sourcing #Quiz
Here is our Super-Sourcing Quiz, also posted on the Ning network. You are all welcome to post your answers in reply to the post. The person who does best will be featured on the network. All members who correctly respond to the complete set of questions will get a guest pass to one of my webinars. Ready? 1. If you …
X-Raying #LinkedIn Groups Using an Invisible Tag
Thanks to Balazs Paroczay, one of the top sourcers on the Boolean Strings Group, we have learned that we can now search for LinkedIn group members from Google using the word “logo”. Here’s a sample string Balazs has suggested. This will work with groups that used to be quite impossible to X-ray because of their non-unique group names. As an …
Excel in Sourcing and Recruiting
Really good hands-on sourcers rarely try to create “perfect” search strings so that they would only show relevant results or would cover all of the relevant results. While it’s a nice search exercise, the truth is that it is quite often not possible and is not our goal. What matters is not the search string, but the “top” results that makes …
#Sourcing #Contest!
Hi All, Have you ever participated in a sourcing contest? Want to try it? It’s a lot of fun! Here you go: I have a former classmate who has moved to the UK and is a beginner sourcer. The guy is pretty shy and, though he has joined Twitter, LinkedIn, and has even tried to start blogging, he still needs …
The Rumor on Sending Messages On #LinkedIn
Can you still send a message to any group member on LinkedIn, no matter what the type of your account is and whether the person is your 2nd or 3rd level connection? The answer is YES; so far you still can. Want to know how? Read on. When we search for people, we used to see the “send message” link …