Doximity Healthcare Custom Search Engine


Are you curious about Custom Search Engine operators more:pagemap:? The Healthcare site Doximity offers, I think, the richest set of them. Look at the export of a search on Doximity with our tool Social List, based on CSE APIs: Here is the list of operators applicable on a Doximity CSE: more:p:metatags-profile_first_name:$firstname more:p:metatags-profile_last_name:$lastname more:p:metatags-profile_gender:$gender more:p:person-honorificsuffix:$degree more:p:person-jobtitle:$jobtitle more:p:educationalorganization-name:$eduname more:p:profilepage-award:$award more:p:profilepage-affiliation:$affiliation more:p:postaladdress-addresslocality:$city more:p:postaladdress-addressregion:$state …

Finding Contacts via Custom Search Engines


Google Custom Search Engines (CSEs)add much power to Google search. Based on object definitions, sites can “tell” Googlebot that they have objects, like a Person object. The definition of a Person has tons of fields, but sites usually implement only some. CSEs can pull sites with “Persons” and narrow down to the presence of some fields or their values. …

33 more: Precise Custom Searches by Sites and Across


Google Custom (Programmable) Engines are capable of finding particular values (such as someone’s location or employer) precisely with the aid of special search operators. The precise filtering ability is based on the “objects” defined by – such as Person, Organization, or Place – which site creators can embed in the page code. The “custom” search operators are written as more:pagemap:<custom …

Search for US Voters with Custom Search Engines #OSINT

booleanstringsBoolean, OSINT

US Voters site contains public information. Each record has the voter’s name and other info such as addresses, and, potentially, emails, phone numbers, and gender. The site has the data for sixteen US states. For many professionals who are not on LinkedIn or are barely online altogether, the voters’ info provides Sourcers with a way to reach out to …

Custom Search Engines’ Filters – Gitlab Example

booleanstringsBoolean, OSINT

Gitlab, like Github, is a platform providing a Version Control System, allowing Developers to collaborate on writing code. It claims to have 30+ MLN profiles, quite comparable to Github’s 60+ MLN. There are some differences in functionality and user profiles. (If you source for Developers, the below search syntax examples might help in finding results – scroll down to see …

Three New Custom Search Engines

booleanstringsBoolean, Diversity

I admire the evolving technology of Google Custom Search Engines (CSEs). By guessing some clever terms and operator combinations, over time, we have been able to un-dig (for example) loads of contact lists of passive candidates within every industry we get sourcing requests in. The best part of CSEs is that they make the web structured. In a sense, CSEs …

Custom Search Boolean Formula


I have run across Boolean Cookies (the ones you eat). Going to order some! Discoveries await you if you study Google Custom Search Engines. Very interestingly, as I have determined bases on tests, Custom Search Engine more: operators support a different order of Boolean operators compared to Google. On Google, ORs have the highest priority On CSEs, ANDs have the …

40 Custom Search Engines

eBook, soon to be released: Custom Search – Discover more: A Complete Guide to Google Programmable Search Engines (Amazon; publisher: Francis and Taylor) Here are most of the currently working Custom Search Engines I have created. The links have been spread over various posts and conversations, and I felt it was time to bring them all together. (To my disappointment, …